Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cambio a mejor- Change for the better

One of my least favorite words growing up. 

Changing familiarity and moving with my family to church-plant.
Change from homeschooling to the secular world of public school.
And especially the classic, monthly "change" reminder from my loving mother, "Rachel, please change the sheets on your bed" (Let's be honest, I was never a big fan of changing the bed sheets).
However, the reality of the matter is that change is a big part of our lives. Working as a preschool teacher this past year I have watched my little students go through tremendous changes. And as I thought back to my preschool years I realized those initial changes in my life never really stopped. Thankfully I know my 1,2,3's and ABC's, but Spiritually the changes that impacted me as a kid are still shaping me today and drawing me closer to God.

Exploring the changes in our solar system through high-tech telescopes and our cardboard rocket ship ;)

"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional."
-John C. Maxwell

 Some big changes are about to take place in my life, in exactly two months, and this past week I've had some reminders, which have left me reflecting and climbing out of my car window. 

  #1. Bogotá, Colombia
 In exactly two weeks, the day after my birthday, I fly out for Colombia. It was just four months ago that I visited for the 1st time, but I do believe without a doubt that God is calling me to teach in Colombia. I've had that confirmed through His Word, my circumstances, and an inner peace. 

Deer-in-the-head-light look from Rachel? Accurately captures my current excited-nervous feelings for Colombia
 This picture above is from my trip to Colombia in February (At El Camino Academy- ECA). It was one of my great reminders this week of the supportive team I have going with me. No, sadly they will not physically be traveling with me, but my faithful support team made up of family and friend from all over the USA and various parts of the world, will be with me through prayer and financial support.

                      Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the 
               Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me 
                            anything in my name, I will do it.
                                                                 John 14:13-14 

"Prayer - secret, fervent, believing prayer -
 lies at the root of all personal godliness."
                                        - William Carey

 #2. My Role Models In Life- 

How have the Dukes of Hazzard brought change into my life? I'm glad you asked. No, I'll admit they aren't really my role models in life, although I did love watching the epsiodes with my dad when I was little :) This next part should come as no surprise to most of my fellow blog readers, as my reputation with cars is famous...unfortunately. 

The change for me this week came in similar form as Bo Duke to the right. Somehow my drivers side door got stuck on lock and for the life of me I cannot get it unlocked! The key goes in fine but it will only lock the door. It won't budge when I turn it to the right to unlock. I even tried from the inside but it is stubborn (like some of my little students) and there is no moving it. 

So I've resorted to leaving the window down and swinging in and out. Bo would be proud...despite the fact that my car is not a 1969 Dodge Charger, just a wannabe. I have gotten some strange looks at the grocery store and my students think it is a riot watching their teacher swing like curious George into her car (I will admit I started using the passenger door as an alternative when I'm at school). 

Lord willing it is an easy fix and my friendly auto guys can fix it when they change my oil this week, but I learned a lesson of change from it this week and that is: Unexpected change can be frustrating and although it is easy to just say "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" It is also a prime opportunity to thank God for His numerous blessings, such as the blessing of legs and arms that allow me to climb/swing out of my car and the glorious fact that my car is still running ;) But I am praying that my swinging days come to an end this week.

#3. Cambio a mejor

And save the dessert for last- my Spanish phrase for this blog is "Cambio a mejor" (correct me if I'm wrong, as my Spanish word mash-ups keep me humble). Translated: Change for the better. 

The road that stretches before the feet of a man is a challenge to his heart
long before it tests the strength of his legs.
  St. Thomas Aquinas

God has used the many changes in my life to stretch me and draw me closer to Him and my identity, which is found solely in Him. This past year my heart has been challenged, but I have come to the conclusion that this life is not my own. I have been redeemed by the Lamb. I am ready to embrace these new changes by submitting my current securities and worldly satisfactions, and securely clinging to Christ's sovereignty and His presence. I am human (shocker!) and so many times I doubt God's promises, but time and time again His grace reminds me what an awesome, loving, all-powerful, etc...God I (and hopefully you) serve!

 The ancient, powerful hymns always hit home for me, but especially the stories behind the author of each hymn. 

I leave you with one of my favorite hymns, "Take My Life." The prayer I have for my life of glorifying God. It comes from Frances Ridley Havergal, who lavished her strength upon work for the Master, and considered all her talents to be only loans from the Lord, to be used in His service. My prayer is that of the last stanza; that we would all- "ever, only (be) all for Thee."Amen.


Take My Life and Let It Be

Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in endless praise.

Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice and let me sing,
Always, only for my King.
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.

Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use
Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Profesora- Teacher

    He is no fool who gives what 
    he cannot keep to gain what 
    he cannot lose.
                -Jim Elliot

It has been too long since I last updated everyone on my Osborn Opportunities. God is alive and moving and I am excited to share with you what that looks like in my life and how YOU can be a part of it too!  

First- What is this profesora- teacher business? 

Back in February, which seems so long ago, God opened the doors for me to go to Bogotá, Colombia with a team of ten from my church (The Orchard Evangelical Free Church). We spent a week in Bogotá, during which we encouraged missionaries from our church: The McCollums & Carrie Bergmann, and served alongside them at the Christian school El Camino Academy.
Our team of ten- plus the McCollums and Carrie Bergmann

El Camino Academy (Part of it)     

I had two purposes for going on this trip:

#1. I wanted to encourage the missionaries we support: The McCollums and Carrie.

#2. I wanted to visit the school I thought God might be asking me to teach at. 

Our team + our beloved Colombian friend Henry

A HUGE shout out to everyone who prayed for our team and financially supported us!

***Hopefully you were able to keep updated with the daily blog we kept. If not you can still check out some of the pictures and highlights-***

Personally I loved every minute of the trip. It brought me back to my time student teaching in Costa Rica and reminded me how much I love Spanish, despite my lack of speaking skills- as one little boy innocently pointed out "Your Spanish is ugly." I am a work in progress! 

Our work at the school was focused on putting in an alarm system and helping clean up some of the garden beds. But I also had the great opportunity to teach the Bible lesson in my friend Carrie's 3rd grade class. 
Me stomping around the walls of Jericho- Thankfully the walls of El Camino didn't come tumbling down. 

 How encouraging it was to teach a lesson on trust, as I prayed about trusting God for wherever He was leading me. 

 Our week in Bogotá ended, but little did I know it was the end of a new beginning.

There were a LOT of laughs on this trip :)
The McCollum Family

We all went a little crazy by the end of the trip

But it was a great trip!

Colombian Cuisine- Just kidding :)

Gordon & I working hard on one of the gardens

Returning to the states I decided to finish the application I had started, for teaching at El Camino. Let me tell you, that was one weighty application! But worth its weight in gold. After working briefly with some of the staff and students at El Camino I felt this is where God wants me and I decided to finish the application and see if God really did want me at El Camino.

And He does! I was accepted to teach at El Camino Academy (ECA) and it looks like I will be teaching 5th and a few classes in 6th grade. I have begun support raising, which is a whole new adventure from my short-term support raising to long-term. Yet what an opportunity to see God's hand at work, and especially to have those who want to partner with me in this ministry at ECA.

 If you want to join my prayer team or financial support team please go to RCE- International. Click on the upper right "Donate" and select "Support a Missionary." My name is on the missionary list-with the account # 11952.

This Sunday I will be speaking at the Orchard Evangelical Free Church Arlington Heights Campus (Sunday evening 6:30 PM in the Chapel) along with my Bogotá team. We will be sharing more details from the February Bogotá trip and I will be sharing more about my transition to teaching in Bogotá this coming school year.

One quick Osborn Opportunity-

There have been many opportunities that have arisen out of the past few months, but one sticks out that is more along the lines of an Osborn Opportunity :) Let me explain, shortly after I was accepted to teach at El Camino I found out there is an important conference in New York from June 21-July 5th (TCK-PFO at Houghton College, New York). I prayed about going, weighed the pros and cons, and finally felt God was telling me to go. However, plane tickets are expensive. As I began searching I suddenly remembered I had been given a $200-round trip-plan voucher. ***Our original flight to Bogotá was cancelled when we arrived at the Houston airport in February and they had to book us another flight. However, when we returned to the states they gave us a $200-round trip-plane voucher***
         Wouldn't you know that as I searched flights I found one for $199! But that wasn't all. In order to get the $199 I had to arrive a day early in Buffalo, New York. But I knew this would include finding a hotel, a way back to the airport, etc... Then I remembered my dad's example of asking help from local Evangelical Free Churches (Ex: Our car broke down in Iowa on a family vacation and we stayed at the church for two days, and their youth group had a pizza party for us. Also, this past August my car broke down with my best friend Bethany, as we were traveling to Illinois to leave for a mission trip to Canada. My dad called the church pastor in the town we were being towed to and his wife came and picked us up, brought us home, fed us, and gave us a place to sleep for the night.) Like father like daughter, I contacted the nearest E. Free Church in Buffalo and the pastor graciously offered to pick me up, house me, and feed me! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I am joyfully anticipating this pre-field orientation and meeting some of my fellow Christian brother and sisters from the East coast and from around the world. 

Prayer Requests:

*Pray for my last two months at work and for God to provide my replacement
*Pray for the many details that need to be done before my departure to Colombia.
*Pray for continued support, as I raise the needed funds and build my support team.
*Pray for protection as I've been growing closer to God, much to the devil's dismay
*Pray for rest and renewal

When we risk our lives to run after Christ, we discover the safety that is found only in His sovereignty, the security that is found only in His love, and the satisfaction that is found only in His presence.
                 -David Platt

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Y es todo para ti- And it's all for You

 Well...time to update everyone, as it has been five months since my last report, but that is less than 1/2 a year so no complaints ;)

Life has been moving full speed ahead but God has been/is at work! So prepare yourself for some crazy Osborn Opportunity stories, and heartfelt reflection, as I try and summarize these past five months.

August-  As I mentioned in my last blog post I embraced the uncertainty and decided to stay in the Chicagoland area, instead of going home to teach in Minnesota. God honored my obedience and provided me with a job as a preschool teacher in Wilmette, Illinois! At first I was a little hesitant because as much as I love the little ones I had my heart set on teaching 2nd or 3rd grade and preschoolers are a lot of work, but I gave this worry to God and said, "You've opened this door for me to teach, but I'm relying on Your renewed strength to be able to work with these balls of energy every day!" I was hired the first week of September and those little balls of energy are now the delight of my day- Monday through Friday. I love each and every one of them...even the CRAZY energetic ones whom test my patience daily.

No, I'm not log rolling my students- Just helping them learn how to do somersaults!

I'm adjusting to this new life as a working adult. But it is pretty great getting to be with kids five days a week and learning with them by playing with them. Play truly is a child's work!


However, after God's provision of a job I was still looking for a place to live. My church family are huge blessings in my life and my college pastor and his wife graciously let me stay with them until God opened the door for me to move in with an elderly woman.

I had occasionally helped this 89 year old woman out during the summer (she'll be 90 next month!) when I nannied in Highland Park. I happened to mention that I was looking for a place to stay and a week later I moved in with her; free rent in exchange for helping her out with dinner at night and odds and ends on the weekend.

Truth be told that has been another full-time job in itself. But God has been teaching me A LOT about who I am and areas in my life that I need to trust God and not myself. I've been learning how to put others before myself and submitting to the mission God has called me to right now, which is at 1250 Park Ave. W. Apt. 434, Highland Park, IL 60035 :)

One encouraging Osborn Opportunity that has arisen from this experience is sharing the Gospel with my elderly roommate. She has a strong Jewish background but she reformed to Catholicism in her 70's. She still has many questions in regards to Christianity and we have had several intense discussions, but I've grown in stating and confirming what I truly believe as well as listening to another person's viewpoint. She said she respects my authenticity in that she sees me living out what I say I believe. That is encouraging. To God be the glory! And ger humor shines through in our discussions, like the other day when we were discussing evangelism and  I "gently" insisted that it is our joyful duty in obeying God's call to proclaim the good news and "make disciples of every nation,"  to which she replied "Honey, you are one of God's best salesmen!"

I could go on and on about stories from this small apartment and the craziness that occurs inside, but I'll save those for another time.

October- Busy month full of work, a big conference for work (which I won a huge thing of modeling clay, since I was the youngest member of the group ;), work seminars, church events, and a surprise visit home for our early family Thanksgiving. 

 The conference I attended was helpful and reminded me how much I love learning. I am certainly a life long learner!


Early Thanksgiving at home was a blast, especially since only two of my family members knew I was coming home. I drove straight home to MN the day my family was celebrating Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family in New Brighton, MN. I arrived just in time for dinner, so I called my mom (while I was outside of the house) and she said how much they wished I could be there and she passed around the phone for people to say hi to me. That is when I walked through the front door and had one surprised mom! Of course she started bawling her eyes, typical mother reaction, and my dad couldn't see me, so he went running over to my mom to see what was wrong and then saw me too :) It was so great to spend Thanksgiving with my family and extended family! I am so thankful for the godly family God has given me. It is something I take for granted too often.

Josh was a great team captain!

I also had the privilege of attending one of my brother's football games, which was FREEZING but totally worth it. The Princeton Tigers had an amazing season. They displayed true teamwork throughout the season and even made it to state. I was one proud sister of #23.

November- I can hardly remember November because it mostly consisted of my first solo parent teacher conferences. The week before I felt a little bit like the lady in the picture :) It was a crazy time but I survived and am blessed with parents who care about their children and are willing to partner with me to help their children grow. 

***I was able to go home for a quieter Thanksgiving at the end of November and enjoyed quality time with just my family.***

December- The whirlwind month! The preschool I work at is close to a nursery called the "Chalet." Apparently they bring in two real reindeer each year around Christmas and they also have some special visits from Santa Clause, so we were able to take our classroom of kids to see the reindeer. 


This month was jam packed with Osborn Opportunities! 

#1I was asked to join a mission team from my church to go to Bogotá, Colombia.   
Does that name ring a bell from my last blog post? :) God had placed Bogotá on my heart last August and suddenly he rekindled that fire with the possibility of actually going to Bogotá. However...I found out I would have to get a week off of work and raise support within a month. There really should be no "however" because God provides, and He did provide me with a week off from work and all of my support came in! Praise be to God!

This is our eager team! *Ronnie didn't make it into this picture, but I'm sure we'll take another one in Colombia :)
Hard to believe but our team leaves this Saturday- February 2, 2013 for Bogotá! Please pray for our team, but also for wisdom, as I look at committing to teach at this school (El Camino Academy) for two years. I will have the opportunity to observe in the 3rd grade classroom of one of my friends who teaches at the school, as well as teach a lesson. Exciting stuff!

 #2. I had the special privilege of attending the Urbana Mission Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. 

I don't even know if I have words to express this experience, but I'll quick summarize a few highlights. 

         - I listened to some very passionate, convicting, and encouraging speakers; one being David Platt. And this semester I have the joy of leading a Bible study at Trinity International University, which discusses David's latest book "Radical," as well as the Biblical applications for our lives. 

       - Worshiping with 16,000 fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, in over 6 different languages was like a glimpse into Heaven. I have always enjoyed singing in different languages, but there was a special focus during the worship, which got my feet moving (even jumping!), my hands clapping, and my water bottle constantly full, as my throat was a little overwhelmed by all this intense singing :) 

       - Last, but certainly not least, I was able to connect with different mission agencies, connect with a Canadian couple I met the 1st day of the conference, and spend some reflective time in the prayer room. All of these served to strengthen my desire to do mission work, whether that is short term work, mid-term work (teaching at Bogotá for 2 years), or possibly even long-term...only God knows and I'm content at following Him one step at a time.

Misc....this month I was also able to spend time at home with my family, and a little with friends, which was a blessing I no longer take for granted. But I didn't quite have enough time at home to adventure out with dad for our annual Father-Daughter winter camping trip, which brings me to...


 Two weeks ago I quick flew home for the weekend to spend it winter camping with my DaddyO.  Dad and I started braving the cold weather four years ago by cross-country skiing/winter-tent camping. Typical Osborn style, this weekend  it happened to be the coldest weekend of the winter so far, but that was no surprise for us, as we are prepared for below 0 weather. 

 There was more snow in Southern MN, so we headed to New London, MN to do our winter camping. 

The State Park is called Sibley State Park, and they had some beautiful cross country ski trails...and some very hilly ones too! 

My favorite winter-camper :)

Nothing more that I love than being out in God's creation!
Chilly but so worth it!

Ironic that most of our trails were marked with this symbol? Typical Osborn way of traveling...never take the easy route.

Tent sweet tent

Really Rachel? A picture of an outhouse?

This is not just any outhouse...this was the protector of our food and peace of mind, as we unfortunately could hear the piercing howls of coyotes at night.

We camped in the primitive camping sight, which was about 3-4 miles from the rangers station, but it is used for small groups in the summer, so they had an outhouse which served as our storage shed from the curious and hungry critters.

*Pretty sure it would've been warmer sleeping in there than our tent, but we didn't resort to sleeping in the outhouse ;)*

The weather was all over the place while we camped. Friday it was beautiful and we had a blast skiing, setting up the tent, and playing cards until someone fell asleep on me and started snoring...wonder who that was?? ;)

However, the temperature dropped that night and Saturday the winds began to pick up. By the afternoon we had 30 mph gusts of wind, so dad came up with the idea of ski-wind-surfing on the frozen lake by our campsite, using the base tarp of our tent, and it worked!

The wind would pick up the tarp and send us sailing across the frozen lake! It worked the best when we both held the tarp and each held one end, but obviously we couldn't take a picture of that, so you'll just have to use your imagination.

My best "angry" face

I will admit that I am highly competitive...not just a little competitive...a LOT! I'm pretty sure dad rigged the games we played together...or maybe it was the homemade-paper card deck we made, but it was not my weekend for winning card/dice games. But I still did manage to win one or two games :)

No, we did not bring a baby with us...
Dad had a smaller pack for our food, but this was the best way to carry it, since we had our big packs on our backs.

I got a big laugh out of dad's pack when we were unpacking/setting up the tent because out of my pack he pulled the sleeping bags, food, cooking equipment, and then when he started emptying his pack, out came 4 sleeping pads (which weigh nothing!) :) *Maybe he also had the tent in his pack...minor detail*

We did get to experience skiing in the dark...this time we didn't have to set up our tent in the dark, which was nice ;)

Dad has these fancy head lamps so they make it easy to see where you are going in the dark.

But the best part of skiing in the dark are the brilliant stars above you, which glitter against the pure black sky. It was also softly snowing, so it was basically a scene out of a movie...minus a nice cottage to go back to. The tent was no cottage.

 Sunday morning it was well below zero, as you can see from my freezing face and the frozen things in our tent :) 

Our breath crystallized everything in the tent! Pretty sure my toes were a little crystallized too ;)
 Life just keeps on moving! Often times I wish I could stop. There was a piece of me in college that thought once I graduated, and started into the adult-working-world, I would be able to slow down a little. Yeah right!

Part of this comes from the responsibilities of this world, and my inability (struggle) of saying "no" to the many wonderful activities/tasks/etc...that surround me. Why do my 2 year olds have such an easy time with that word?!?! ;)

 Thankfully God is outside of time and He continually pulls in my reigns and reminds me to take one day at a time. I love to know what's next, but that is not always for me to know right away. I've been reading George Washington Carver's biography this month, and I've been deeply encouraged by how his faith was so interwoven in his life, that science, education, and everything he did stemmed from his relationship with God. And he made sure everyone knew it was God! Even when the New York Times tried to tear him to pieces.

One of the pieces George wrote reminded me of where I'm at in my life right now; in moving forward with Bogotá and God's plans for my life (Jeremiah 29:11). 

                                 "God is going to reveal things to us that He never 
                                  revealed before--if we put our hand in His. Without 
                                  God to draw aside the curtain I would be helpless." 
                                                  (Heroes Of The Faith-p. 187)  

Nothing in this mortal life is certain, except my relationship with the Triune God and His Word, which daily blows me away, humbles me, and sets me forward on the path of faithfulness. I do not know what my future holds, but I know who holds it and He is enough for me. As we sang in one of the songs at Urbana "Y es todo para ti!" -And it's all for You (God)!